School Assessment Application


The St. John Henry Newman Institute promotes and supports the development of schools living out a classical Catholic culture, curriculum and pedagogy, grounded in the Sacred Liturgy of the Church. The Institute provides training, formation, and development support to educators involved in an existing classical Catholic School or leaders currently seeking to establish a school. To discern the basis for such a collaboration, the Institute requests prospective participants to complete the following survey to express interest in collaborating in the educational mission of the John Henry Newman Institute and/or receiving Institute support. Thank you.

DIRECTIONS​: Please complete this survey by providing a short answer response to each question in each of the six areas of school development.

What is the current status of the educational community applying for Institute support?
What is the Catholic status of the school community?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Does the school have a physical mailing address?

Stakeholder Community

Curriculum Development

Faculty Formation

Enrollment Growth

School Support

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